Thursday 28 December 2023

Annual Increment Day 1st Jan 2024 for Central Government Employees

 Annual Increment Day 1st Jan 2024 for Central Government Employees

Annual Increment Day for Central Government Employees and Officers will be on 1st January 2024: This significant day marks the time when hardworking individuals in the central government sector are rewarded for their dedication and commitment. It is a day of celebration and anticipation for those looking forward to the benefits of their annual increment. It is important to note that there are two types of increments provided to central government employees after the implementation of the 7th pay commission. The first is the annual increment and the second type is the promotion increment! The two eligible dates are the 1st of July and the 1st of January of every year!

Two Dates for Increment

The annual increment will be determined based on the vertical cells of the relevant Level in the Pay Matrix: There will be two specific dates for granting increments: January 1st and July 1st of each year. This is a change from the previous date of July 1st. However, employees will only be entitled to one annual increment, depending on the date of their appointment, promotion, or financial upgradation, either on January 1st or July 1st.
Increment on MACP

For employees appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) between January 2nd and July 1st (inclusive), the increment will be granted on January 1st. For those appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation, including MACPS upgradation, between July 2nd and January 1st (inclusive), the increment will be granted on July 1st.

CCS Rules 9 and 10 of Increment

These regulations are outlined in Rules 9 and 10 of the CSS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016: If an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation, including MACP upgradation, on January 1st or July 1st, their pay will be fixed under the Level applicable to the new post. However, the increment will only accrue on the following July 1st or January 1st, provided that a minimum period of six months of qualifying service has been completed. The next increment thereafter will only accrue after one year has passed.

15 of FR 26 Rules

These rules are stated in (15), FR 26: Employees who opt for pay fixation under FR 22 (I) (a) (1) when promoted regularly or granted financial upgradation on a date other than their annual increment in a lower grade are also eligible to have their next increment accrue on January 1st or July 1st, provided they have completed six months of qualifying service. However, the subsequent increment will only accrue after one year.

This option is also available to employees who have been regularly promoted or granted financial upgradation on or after January 1st, 2016. They will be given one month from the issuance of this OM to exercise or re-exercise this option.

These guidelines are outlined in 15-A, FR 26: Employees appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation between January 2nd, 2015, and July 1st, 2015, will not be eligible for an increment on January 1st, 2016.


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