Friday, 14 February 2025

Guidelines for formation of Quality Check Team in Department of Posts for Physical Verification of PMEGP Units

 Guidelines for formation of Quality Check Team in Department of Posts for Physical Verification of PMEGP Units

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Exploring feasibility to offer land by the Villagers might free of cost for erecting Departmental buildings or free built up spaces

Exploring feasibility to offer land by the Villagers might free of cost for erecting Departmental buildings or free built up spaces


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 A post office that floats? Only with India Post!

From the serene waters of Dal Lake, Srinagar, to the remotest corners of our nation, we make the impossible possible.



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Jyotiraditya M Scindia Dr.Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani MyGovIndia Press Information Bureau - PIB, Government of India All India Radio News Amrit Mahotsav DDNewsLive



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Thursday, 13 February 2025

Fiscal Priorities and Unjustified Withholding of DA/DR Arrears

 Fiscal Priorities and Unjustified Withholding of DA/DR Arrears

In response to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 172 answered on 3rd February 2025, the government reiterated its decision to withhold the arrears of Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) for Central Government employees and pensioners covering the 18-month period from January 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. The Minister of State for Finance, Shri Pankaj Chaudhary, justified this move by citing the adverse financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fiscal burden of welfare measures, which, according to the government, made the release of these arrears unfeasible. However, this decision has sparked widespread dissatisfaction among the affected employees and pensioners, particularly when examined alongside the government's extensive financial expenditures in other areas. A closer look at these expenditures reveals a glaring disparity that questions the justification for withholding DA/DR arrears.
One of the major welfare measures taken during the pandemic was the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY), launched in March 2020 to provide free food grains to approximately 80 crore people. While the scheme was undoubtedly necessary to mitigate economic hardship, its financial burden on the government was substantial. Initial reports from the Press Information Bureau indicated that the expenditure on the scheme amounted to nearly Rs.2.60 lakh crore, and by December 2022, the total spending had risen to Rs.3.43 lakh crore. The government’s commitment to ensuring food security for the vulnerable sections of society was commendable, but it also raises concerns about the selective approach in prioritizing fiscal allocations, particularly when the relatively modest DA/DR arrears are being denied to employees and pensioners.
Simultaneously, Indian banks have written off a staggering Rs.10.57 lakh crore in bad loans over the past five financial years. This includes write-offs of Rs.2.09 lakh crore in FY23, Rs.1.70 lakh crore in FY24, and Rs.2.34 lakh crore in FY20. The justification often provided for these massive write-offs is that they help clean up bank balance sheets, but in reality, they represent a significant loss of public funds. These write-offs often benefit corporate defaulters at the cost of the taxpayers, further highlighting the government’s misplaced fiscal priorities.

Adding to this financial leniency towards corporate entities, in 2019, the government implemented a reduction in the corporate tax rate to 22% for domestic companies and 15% for new domestic manufacturing companies. This move, while aimed at boosting economic growth and attracting investment, resulted in an estimated revenue loss of Rs.1.45 lakh crore. Such tax concessions to corporate houses stand in stark contrast to the stringent measures imposed on government employees and pensioners, who have been denied their rightful arrears on the grounds of financial constraints. Furthermore, the Union Budget for 2025-26 introduced significant income tax cuts, raising the tax-free income threshold to Rs.12 lakh per annum. This move is expected to cost the government approximately Rs.1 trillion in revenue. While these tax reforms are designed to boost consumption and economic activity, they also reflect the government's capacity to forgo substantial revenue to achieve policy objectives.
The decision to freeze DA and DR for 18 months was projected to save the government approximately Rs.34,402.32 crore. This amount, when compared to the Rs.10.57 lakh crore in bad loans written off and the Rs.1.45 lakh crore foregone due to corporate tax cuts, appears relatively insignificant. This amount is approximately 1% of the Rs.3.43 lakh crore spent on PMGKAY, about 0.28% of the Rs.12.3 lakh crore in loan write-offs over the past decade, and roughly 2.37% of the Rs.1.45 lakh crore revenue foregone due to corporate tax cuts. This comparison raises questions about the government's fiscal priorities, particularly concerning its employees and pensioners. If the government could absorb these massive financial setbacks without adverse economic consequences, the claim that releasing DA/DR arrears would harm the nation's fiscal health seems unconvincing.
The refusal to release these arrears is not just an economic issue but also a question of fairness. Central Government employees and pensioners served the nation through the pandemic, often working under challenging conditions. Releasing the DA/DR arrears would not only provide financial relief to them but also boost consumer spending, thereby stimulating economic activity. Denying them their rightful dues while allowing corporate tax cuts and loan write-offs creates a perception of fiscal discrimination.
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Stepping up Government Servant’s Pay under CCS (RP) Rules, 2016: Question raised in Rajya Sabha and answered on 11.02.2025

 Stepping up  Government Servant’s Pay under CCS (RP) Rules, 2016: Question raised in Rajya Sabha and answered on 11.02.2025



876: Shri Neeraj Shekhar

Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:

a) the details of references/representations received by Department of Expenditure, since 1st January, 2025 till date, from various Ministries/Departments and other organizations where CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 is applicable, regarding stepping up of pay of senior Government servants promoted to higher post on or before 01.01.2015 and drawing less pay in revised pay structure than their juniors who were promoted on or after 01.01.2016 under CCS (Revised Pay) Rule 7(10) read with Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rule, 2016, Ministry /Department/organization-wise, and

b) the number of such references which are pending along with the reasons therefor, reference-wise?



(a) & (b): No such reference has been received since 1st January, 2025 in respect of senior government servants promoted on or before 01.01.2015.


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Directorate Instructions for non disturbance of postal services in c/w phase wise agitational programme by Postal JCA

 Directorate Instructions for non disturbance of postal services in c/w phase wise agitational programme by Postal JCA

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Parliament reply on Contractual appointments in Central Services

 Parliament reply on Contractual appointments in Central Services

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Optimal Utilization of resources at Post Offices for Business Activities

 Optimal Utilization of resources at Post Offices for Business Activities

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Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Celebration of International Women's Day on 8th March in Department of Posts

 Celebration of International Women's Day on 8th March in Department of Posts

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Postal JCA demands and phase-wise agitation program

 Postal JCA demands and phase-wise agitation program

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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Instructions on filling up of Accounts line posts of Postal / RMS wing

 Instructions on filling up of Accounts line posts of Postal / RMS wing 

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SLP Dismissed on 10.2.2025 on RTP case by Supreme Court in the case of UOI vs Brahma Reddy & others

 SLP Dismissed on 10.2.2025 on RTP case by Supreme Court in the case of UOI vs Brahma Reddy & others


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Terms of reference of 8th CPC – Suggestions by Indian Railways Technical Supervisors’ Association (IRTSA) vide letter 04.02.2025 addressed to The Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training.

 Terms of reference of 8th CPC – Suggestions by Indian Railways Technical Supervisors’ Association (IRTSA) vide letter 04.02.2025 addressed to The Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training.


No:IRTSA/Memo/7/8th CPC


The Secretary
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Suggestions for terms of reference of 8th CPC.

Ref: Dy. Secy (JCA) letter No.6/1/2025-JCA, dated 23.01.2025.

Following suggestions are submitted for the composition of 8th CPC and for the terms of reference for 8th CPC.

Composition of 8th CPC

1) Commission may be headed by a retired or serving Judge of the Supreme Court.
2) One of the members of the Commission may be a Technocrat.
3) One of the members of commission may be a serving member of Railway Board to project the special conditions prevailing therein.

Following points may be included in terms of reference for 8th CPC in addition to terms of reference of 7th CPC

4) Release of withheld arrears of 18 months of DA/DR: To review the decision taken to withheld additional rates of Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief payable to Central Government Pensioners & Family Pensioners due from 1st January 2020, 1st July 2020 and 1st January 2021.

5) Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR): To decide and recommend merger of 50% DA & DR to Central Government Employees & Pensioners/ Family Pensioners as on 01.01.2024 up to implementation of 8th CPC recommendations.

6) Interim Relief: To decide on interim relief of Pay /Pension/ family Pension from1.1.2026 till the revised pay & pension are paid if 8th CPC recommendations are not implemented from 01.01.2026, due to heavy inflation & to compensate for the shortcomings in compilations of price index & other.

7) Covering all Central Government employees in OPS: To examine and recommend modalities to cover all Central Government employees in Old Pension Scheme with objective of ensuring assurance in the old age and the employees would not be left in the lurch after retirement.

8) Anomalies: To review and recommend solutions for anomalies regarding pay level, increment, pay fixation, promotions, MACPS, retirement benefits, etc, pending for many years without sufficient negotiation with staff side.

9) Court cases: To study and recommend about thousands of cases pending in Central Administrative Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court related to pay, allowances, pay fixation, MACPS, promotions, increments, following reservation policy, pension, pension commutation, restoration of full pension after recovery of commutated value of pension, transfers, etc. 8th CPC should quantify and classify pending court cases and to give its recommendations to clear court cases.

10) Work measurement & Bench Marking: To recommend on work measurement and bench marking of all jobs in Central Government.

Thank You

Yours’ truly

General Secretary, IRTSA

Copy for kind information
1) Secretary Railway Board, New Delhi.
2) Deputy Secretary (JCA), DoPT.

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Monday, 10 February 2025

Ease of Travel for Senior Citizens in the Indian Railways: Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 609 by Ms. Sushmita Dev, answered on 07.02.2025 by Minister of Railways, Information & Broadcasting and Electronics & Information Technology (Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw)

 Ease of Travel for Senior Citizens in the Indian Railways: Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 609 by Ms. Sushmita Dev, answered on 07.02.2025 by Minister of Railways, Information & Broadcasting and Electronics & Information Technology (Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw)


ANSWERED ON 07.02.2025


Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by Government to ensure ease of travel for senior citizens in the Indian Railways;
(b) the number of senior citizens that have travelled by Indian Railways, since 2020, year-wise;
(c) the number of senior citizens that availed any fare concessions offered by the Indian Railways, year wise, and the amount of concession offered since 2020,year-wise;
(d) the amount of fare concession offered to all sections, especially senior citizens since 2020, year-wise;
(e) whether the concession to senior citizens have been discontinued, if so, the reasons therefor?



(a) to (e) During the financial years 2020-21 to 2024-25 (upto December, 2024), approximately 2357.8 crore passengers of all ages (including senior citizens) travelled on Indian Railways. Further, with a view to provide safe and convenient journey to senior citizens, Indian Railways has already taken various steps, some of which are as under:-

  1. Provision to allot lower berths automatically to senior citizens, female passengers of 45 years and above even if no choice is given, subject to availability of accommodation at the time of booking.
  2. Earmarking of a combined reservation quota of six to seven lower berths per coach in Sleeper class, four to five lower berths per coach each in Air Conditioned 3 tier (3AC) and three to four lower berths per coach in Air Conditioned 2 tier (2AC) classes (depending on the number of coaches of that class in the train) for senior citizens, female passengers 45 years of age and above and pregnant women.
  3. Allotment of lower berths falling vacant in the train to senior citizens, Persons with Disabilities or pregnant women on priority.
  4. Earmarking of unreserved accommodation for senior citizens in 2nd class general compartment on suburban sections of Indian Railways.
  5. Earmarking of separate counters at various Passenger Reservation System (PRS) centers for dealing with the reservation requisitions received from senior citizens subject to demand pattern and availability of counters.
  6. Provision of Battery Operated Vehicles (BOVs) at some important stations for senior citizens, divyangjans, sick passengers and pregnant women.
  7. Provision of wheel chairs at railway stations.
  8. Provision of ramps, lifts, escalators, signage, May I Help Booths, etc. at various stations.

Indian Railways strives to provide affordable services to all strata of the society and gave subsidy of 56,993 crore on passenger tickets in 2022-23. This amounts to concession of 46% on an average, to every person, travelling on Railways. In other words for easier understanding, 1f the cost of providing service is ₹100, then the price of ticket is ₹54 only. This subsidy is continuing for all passengers. Further, concessions beyond this subsidy amount are continuing for many categories like 4 categories of Persons with disabilities (Divyangjans), 11 categories of patients and 8 categories of students. Further, number of passengers availing the concession in different classes and in different trains over various Zonal Railways varies from year to year.


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