Thursday 27 August 2020

Amendment in rulings on Registered Newspapers 2008

 Amendment in rulings on Registered Newspapers 2008

No. 22-1/2020-PO (Pt.1) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts (PO Division) 
Dak Bhawan. Sensed Marg 
New Delhi-110 001 
All CPMsG/ All PMsG Director RAKNPA/ All PTCs 

Dated: 25th August. 2020

Subject: Amendment in the Clause 144 (3) of Post Office Guide, Part replicated in the Annexure IV of the consolidated Rulings on Registered Newspapers 2008 
The Clause 144 (3) of Post Office Guide, Part as replicated in the Annexure IV of the consolidated Rulings on Registered Newspapers 2008 has been amended as below: 

"The Head of the Postal Circle. on receipt of the application will calculate the approximate total postage payable by a Registered Newspaper in the course of the month and then require the Newspaper to deposit an amount equivalent to the total of one month, postage as a security deposit The amount of the security may be deposited in cash in a Post Office Savings. security deposit account. or in National Savings Certificates pledged to the Head of the Code concerned or may be covered by a guarantee from either State Bank of India or a Bank nationalized by Government of India. The form of guarantee at//Vs similar to that shown 111 clause 94. The amount of postage due on all postings will be adjusted twice a month on the 16th for posting between the 1st and 15th of the month and 1 st  of the following month in respect of the postings from the 16th to the end of the month. 

Exception: The requirement of clause to deposit an amount equivalent Souse total of one month's postage. as a security deposit may not be mandatory for the publications of the Ministries/ Departments of Government of India only." 


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