Thursday 11 July 2019



AMPCAutomatic Mail Processing Centre
APOArmy Post Office
APPU Asian Pacific Postal Union 
APSCArmy Postal Service Core
BCRBiennial Cadre Review
CBOCircle Bag Office
CBPOCentrally Based Post office
CBPOCentral Base Post Office
CCCCustomer Care Centre
CMOSCorporate Money Order Service
CO Circle Office
CPCCentral Pay Commission
CPMG Chief Postmaster General
CRCComputerized Registration Centre
CSD Circle Stamps Depot 
CSICore System Integrator
CVCCentral Vigilance Commissioner
DBODistrict Bag Office
DPCDepartmental  Promotion Committee
ECSElectronic Clearance Service
EFMSElectronic Franking Machine Service
EFTElectronic Fund Transfer
E-MAILElectronics Mailing
eMO electronic Money Order
EMSExpress Mail Service
ePOST electronic Post
EPPExpress Parcel Post
EPSExpress Parcel Service
ESMOElectronic Satellite Money Order
eVPP electronic Value Payable Parcel 
FDCFirst Day Cover
FIRFirst Investigation Report
FPOField Post Office
FSCFixed Stationery Charge
FSIFinancial System Integrator
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GPOGeneral Post Office
HMSHybrid Mail Service
HPO Head Post Office
HSGHigher Selection Grade
IFSMO  International Financial System Money Order
ILCInland Letter Card
IMO Instant Money Order
IMTInternational Money Transfer
ISPIndia Security Press (Nasik)
IVPIndira Vikas Patra
JAGJunior Administrative Cadre
JCMJoint Consultative Machinery
KVPKisan Vikas Patra
LDCE Limited Department Competitive Examination 
LSGLower Selection Grade
LSMLetter Sorting Machine
MANMetro  Area Network
MDGMukhya Dak Ghar
MMSMail Motor Service
MOMoney Order
MSYMahila Samridhi Yojana
MTTMarathe Time Test
NICNational Informatics  Centre
NPFNational Philatelic Federation
NSCNational Savings Certificate
PANPermanent Account Number
PCOPublic Call Office
PGCPublic Grievance Cell
PINPostal Index Number
PLIPostal Life Insurance
PMGPost Master General
PPFPublic Provident Fund
PPOPension Payment Order
PRSSPay Roll Savings Scheme
PSD Postal Stores Depot
PTC Postal Training Centre
RICTRural Information and Communication Technology for Branch Post Office.
RL Registered Letter
RLOReturned Letter Office
RMS Railway Mail Service
RO Regional Office
RPLIRural Postal Life Insurance
SAGSenior Administrative Grade
SALSurface Air Lifted Service
SAPSystems Applications and Products in Data Processing
SBCOSavings Bank Control Organisation
SDSSchedule Despatch Service
SMOSatellite Money Order
SPA Speed Post Article
SPCCSpeed Post Concentration Centre
SRO Sub Record Office/ Sub Record Officer
SSASukanya Samriddhi Account
TATTrack And Trace
TBOPTime Bound One Promotion
TMOTelegraphic Money Order
TRAITelecom Regulation Authority Of India
TTSTrack And Trace System
UPUUniversal Postal Union
VPL Value Payable Letter
VPP Value Payable Parcel
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminals
V-SATVery-Small Aperture Terminal
WPDWorld Post  Day
WPEWorld Philatelic Day


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